CLASSES COMMENCING FROM Thursday, April 10, 2025
In this century, where the involvement of technology is necessary for our daily lives and in one of them, cell phones are the basic and mandatory device, where no one can imagine to live. Among all cellphones, there are so many versions available, but when the smartphone launched in the market, it changed the lifestyle of human. Due to this device, every single human is getting the benefits according to his / her desire and make it more productive in his life. In Smartphones, ANDROID the Operating System from Google changes the style of every human being. Where the people are getting the benefits from this device and using the application where some are free or some are paid, they need some application according to their desires. Corporates and individuals are required beneficial applications and according to this huge world level market. The Market needs the developers or programmers of Android. This course has been designed according to the requirement of the professional world of developers and programmers, where the candidate will learn each and every aspect of the ANDROID operating system with integrating different collateral hardware. The course covered from basic to advance level and will be completed within the 2.5 Month from day one. The course also enables the participants to work in the professional world as an Android Programmer or developer, because of its professional developed content. The Participants shall develop mind-blowing applications in android after completion of this course and if they are able to participate in Google’s World then unlimited monetary benefits can be achieved.
Over Twenty Years of Professional Experience in the field of IT, Project Management and Technology Management. He has enormous experience in the Programming Languages, databases, Data-Centers and E-Commerce Solutions. Further, he has extensive experience and knowledge of I.T. Audit and System Security Audit and its implementation where have written a complete manual and guidelines for ISACA Chapter USA. Extensive knowledge and practical experience about Project Management, Planning and its implementation with the latest and updated knowledge related to PMI Chapter – USA. Right now he is engaged with various projects with the platform of 3D GROUP. In his tenure, he has implemented more than 1500+ Projects timely and successfully. Further, he has trained almost 50000 candidates in different countries of the world.
Please note if you are submitting fee ONLINE, and not transferring in our Bank Account which is mentioned in the Admission Form, then follow the instructions of those emails only, which comes from the official email address i-e:
Please do not send any amount to any other person without any email from above mentioned email address This email gives you the complete details and guidelines that where and to whom submit the amount regarding fee.
Thanks and Regards MANAGEMENT 3D EDUCATORSThanks and Regards
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YPP - Young Professional Program is developed by knowing the recent market trends and facts, and after this the candidate will equip all the necessary skills that are required by the market. Due to change in time and market requirements, the business required skilled workers not degree holders. So YPP create leaders with all necessary skills which increase the productivity of the organization.